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Showing posts from November, 2017

Extent Does Government

Liberty and individuality are concepts that have grasped the passions of human societies for multiple millennia. Since the advent of organized politics, government has been society's self-imposing tool of regulations that curb the pernicious freedoms that may be destructive to society and its individuals. The concurrent veracity of both these statements creates a paradox that is one of political philosophy's most debated issues: at the expense of collective security, to what extent should individual liberty be tolerated? By implication, to what extent does government know what is best for its subjects?

Recommendations opinions

These are only a few excerpts of blogs I have posted on Myspace, a website that allows people to message each other, load pictures, customize a page, and post one's thoughts. Any writing that involves updated online personal writing such as diaries, commentaries, recommendations, opinions, or news that interests the writer can be categorized as a blog. My blogs are a mix of personal theories I write to discover others' beliefs and to debate the differences between our beliefs, as well as an online diary. I also have many friends who blog for critiques of their writings and as an online diary. Why has blogging become so popular? Why are people so open online, yet often won't voice their true feelings or writings in person?